Life changing solutions

coMra delivers


We’ve carefully designed a step‑by‑step process for coMra users to start their healing journey with us. Our goal is to offer supportive and enriching experience as they strive for lasting health. We’ve created an ecosystem that helps people worldwide get most of our unique technology. Watch testimonials, explore case studies, read blog articles and witness how coMra transforms lives.
Explore our comprehensive coMra Resources page for testimonials, case studies & reports, articles, webinars and free downloadable user guides and eBooks on coMra therapy:


To get you started on your journey with coMra, there’s a comprehensive coMra user guide containing detailed instructions for treating over 200 medical and aesthetic conditions.
You can download it as indexed printable PDF*, or as convenient app for Apple iOS or Android, or browse it on our web app here:

Hello! I’m Maxim from the coMra Support Team.
(I’m not AI, btw.)

We hope you will join us on this coMra journey! In the meantime, if you have any questions regarding coMra therapy, please open the Support Chat and speak with us.
Get in touch
We normally respond 24/7, however, if no one answers, please leave your email address and we will come back to you soonest. Alternatively please explore our Resources page.
Fundamental Principles
Unique Healing Experience